Aikido AIKIKAI Centre Koinobori Dojo Overview


AAC "Koinobori Dojo" is an aikido organization officialy recognized by the Aikido World Hedquarters.

Founded in 1991
Members: over 600 adults, about 200 children
7 dojos in Moscow
Branches in: Nizhny Novgorod,  Irkutsk, Rostov-on-Don, Astrakhan ,  (Russia); Vilnius (Lithuania).

President: Karpova Marina, 6 Dan , aikido experience since 1988. Shidoin of Russian AIKIKAI, Honorary Instructor in Martial Arts of RF (RSBI)
Vice-President: Grachov Vadim, 6 Dan , aikido experience since 1990, Honorary Martial Arts Master of RF (RSBI)

Koinobori Dojo annually holds the International Aikido Seminar directed by AIKIKAI Hombu Dojo shihan Shoji SEKI (8 Dan) .

The Dojo also conducts open interdojo seminars, junior open interdojo seminars, summer camps, guidance seminars at regional branches, theme guidance seminars, weapons classes, video teaparties, etc.

Dojo instructors regularly practice at AIKIKAI Hombu Dojo (the World Aikido Headquarters), take part in aikido seminars abroad, in seminars directed by Japanese masters in Russia.

The Dojo team conducts aikido demonstrations at various levels, including international and All-Russia aikido festivals and events conducted by the Russian Martial Arts Union. Koinobori Dojo members make up the core of the Russian AIKIKAI demonstrations team.

20-th Anniversary of Koinobori Dojo

Technical supervisor Shoji SEKI shihan, 8 Dan AIKIKAI


Dojo emblem

School identity

Special gratitude




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